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Light Language - Releasing Birth Memories

Light Language - Releasing Birth Memories

VAT Included

In this transmission I bring from Source pure light codes for releasing memories from our birth and for the time we were in our mother’s womb.


This transmission is composed of a PDF with the Light Codes that you can look at them and use them whenever you wish, and the video transmission. Feel free to watch it whenever you wish.


This transmission is coming to you in the right divine time for you to release and heal this memories.


This is an instant download on your purchase.


Have an open mind and feel whatever the information this transmission will bring to you without judgement.

Light Language is a part of ourselves and this frequency speaks directly to our soul, is not for the mind to understand.


These are high codes, pure and organic frequency that come for your healing to activate any dormant DNA, clearing inorganic and distorted programs and beliefs.

When you allow this frequency to integrate in you it can come with highly shadow work.


Some of the benefits of Light Language:

- Source Light Codes

- DNA Activations

- Clear inorganic and distorted programs and beliefs

- Clear emotional patterns and blocks

- Recalibrate, rejuvenate and regenerate

- Integrate Divine Energies and Organic Source Codes

- Shifts energy and frequency to a higher level

- Sustains Love Consciousness

- Energetic healing

- Rapid and higher transformation


*This is an instant download.

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