A sacred space where the power of the womb meets feminine energy, movement and ancestry
In the womb we keep memories of our ancestors, our intimate encounters, physical and emotional pain, miscarriages and possible miscarriages, traumas, which affect our health, energy, generate physical and emotional blockages, block our creativity, sexual energy and libido.
The Womb Wisdom is a multidimensional therapy created by me that is based on my own experience and healing through Natural Gynaecology and the Womb Blessing, my studies and different techniques that I have studied and deepened over the years.
This gathering is for you who want to
Honour your history and ancestry
Resignify generational and ancestral beliefs and traumas that prevent you from thriving and having full health
Clear and heal negative memories and energies from past relationships
Attract harmonious relationships
Balance feminine and masculine energy
Connect and honour your cycles
Connect with your purpose and gifts so that you can experience your essence in its fullness
Prepare the uterus for pregnancy (if you wish)
Potentiate the healing of imbalances such as PMS, menstrual cramps, PCOS, endometriosis
Unlocking creativity, sexual energy and libido
Gathering 1 - 9th November
Physical and Energetic Female Anatomy
Menstrual Cycle
Life Cycles
Gathering 2 - 16th November
Movement as a tool for connecting to the feminine and the body, liberation and healing from trauma
Gathering 3 - 23th November
What are Womb Memories
Meditative practice to identify blockages and clear memories
Womb Blessing
Home Practices
More about Womb Wisdom:
3 meetings of pure connection, healing and transformation.
In person in Porto (location to be announced) and online.
€135 *registration until 30 September*
€162 *registration from 1 to 12 October*
€189 *registration from 13 October to 5 November*
It's time to remember your power, gifts and purpose
Filipa Ferreira
Natural Gynaecology, Herbalism, Cacao Medicine, Natural Cosmetic
Filipa has always been passionate about the energy of herbs, ancestral and feminine wisdom.
Through Natural Gynaecology, she discovered a way of returning home, taking care of her body, living her natural cyclicity and femininity. Having already travelled this path and experienced its benefits first-hand, her mission is to bring this knowledge and awareness to more women so that they can experience their natural being to the full.